Medical Microneedling

Medical Microneedling

Reveal the youthful, glowing skin that’s hiding underneath tired skin with Medical Microneedling treatments at Blush MediSpa. 

How Does Medical Microneedling Work?

Medical Microneedling is an innovative skin rejuvenation procedure that uses a device to rapidly and effectively puncture the dermal tissue to stimulate accelerated collagen production. The pinpricks from the process cause slight injury to the skin, and the skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissue. That means faster cellular turnover, and that translates to firmer, smoother, and more rejuvenated skin.

At Blush MediSpa, we use Dermapen to produce outstanding results. The device passes several micro-tipped needles over the skin’s surface. The sensation can be compared to feeling sandpaper rubbing lightly over the skin.

What is the Difference Between Microneedling and Medical Microneedling?

Microneedling and Medical Microneedling involve the use of needles to improve the health and appearance of the skin, Medical Microneedling is a more intense and targeted procedure that is typically performed by a trained professional. It may be more suitable for those with specific skin concerns that require a more aggressive treatment approach. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Medical Microneedling?

You’re a good candidate for Medical Microneedling if:

  • You have begun to notice fine lines and wrinkles
  • You want to correct mild skin sagging issues
  • You have the signs of hyperpigmentation, such as age spots and sunspots, or vitiligo 
  • You wish to brighten your complexion
  • You have always wanted to try a non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment
  • You would like to try an alternative treatment for scars, stretch marks or cellulite
  • You wish to reduce acne or acne scars
  • You are looking to treat rosacea
  • You are struggling with alopecia

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

A typical Medical Microneedling treatment takes 45 minutes. Before beginning treatment, we apply a topical freezing cream on patients for 15-minutes to reduce discomfort. 

What Results Will I See?

Results include firmer, smoother, and softer-looking skin. Clients often note their Medical Microneedling treatments have helped them attain more rejuvenated and healthy-looking skin. You may even see your skin looks firmer and tighter, which is terrific if you’re beginning to see signs of sagging skin. Most individuals need anywhere from 2 to 5 Medical Microneedling sessions to see full results. 

Is There Any Downtime?

There’s minimal or no downtime associated with your Medical Microneedling session; however, your skin may feel a bit tender for the first few days after each treatment. Also, we suggest that patients wear sunscreen between treatments to protect their skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.





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